This is about Truth, Trust and Love, you are welcome!

Jesse Beltran, Lars Drudgaard, Magnus Olsson (Jose Delgado episode)

Jesse Beltran, Lars Drudgaard, Magnus Olsson (Jose Delgado episode)

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This is episode 9 made into a small movie. Visit for more information.

José Delgado was a pioneer in the field of brain implant technology. Magnus Olsson mentioned José Delgado, and his famous bull experiment or bull demonstration, in his lecture in September last year.
Magnus Olsson is a guest on this particular show, the first in 2013.

Terms like "psycho-designed" are discussed, and there are indeed possibilities to use this technology in a positive way. Imagine deciding which mood you'll be in .. push a button.. and get into the right mood.

But imagine that someone else is in control, and not you. The possibilities for abuse are huge.

José Delgado's words still echo heavily.

"The individual may think that the most important reality is his own existence, but this is only his personal point of view. This lacks historical perspective. Man does not have the right to develop his own mind. This kind of liberal orientation has great appeal. We must electronically control the brain. Someday armies and generals will be controlled by electric stimulation of the brain."
--Dr. Jose Delgado, Director of Neuropsychiatry Yale University Medical School Congressional Record, No. 26, Vol. 118 February 24, 1974

And guess what! Much of the military research is doing just that. The following Nature editorial with the title "Silence of the Neuroengineers" was published June 19th, 2003.

"We need a program of psychosurgery for
political control of our society.
The purpose is physical control of the mind.
Everyone who deviates from the given norm
can be surgically mutilated."

--1974 Congressional Testimony of Dr. Jose Delgado has preformed Radio Frequencies scans since December 2011. People who emit RF are different from those who don't. They have a couple of symptoms: all from severe head aches to "pin pointed" painful effects in very specific parts of their bodies. Day after day, week after week, month after month, year after year. These are the Targeted Individuals, under constant torture. The system used is coupled with implants most often, and those who have emitted RF have also found implants in the specific locations. Among these Bob Joyce, Jesse Beltran and James Walbert. They are not alone. Many Targeted Individuals are under such torture and live under such fear that they won't come public with their implants, scans and results.

In order to both transmit and receive information - a two way communication device (or several) is necessary.

It's time to actually face the truth. The technology is not only abused but Delgado's dream is coming true. And it's worse than Orwell predicted in "1984".

Last but not least, Rest in Peace, Sean Stinn and Alva Andersson, and all other victims that died too soon because they became victims of this technology.
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